Uniti in criza coronavirus - Fundatia Polisano doneaza 100.000 de lei pentru Spitalul Judetean Sibiu

Hundreds of people from Sibiu, individuals, and companies, donated one million lei in just a few days to help the Emergency County Clinical Hospital in Sibiu. On Monday, the Polisano Foundation also announced that it is donating 100.000 lei. The money will be used by the hospital for the purchase of two fully equipped beds for the ATI section.


The campaign “a Hospital, a community” was initiated by the Community Foundation in Sibiu, immediately after the declaration of the coronavirus pandemic. Through donations and sponsorships, the Siberians, and all those who want, can support the Sibiu Emergency County Clinical Hospital, for the acquisition of absolutely necessary equipment during this period, for testing patients with suspected coronavirus, and also for intensive care. The mobilization of the community was impressive. Contracts worth one million lei were signed, money raised both from important companies, but also from ordinary people, who want to help.

On Monday, the Polisano Foundation decided to donate 100,000 lei to the Community Foundation campaign.

“Given that we live with a sword of Damocles over our heads, given the exponentially increasing number of cases of coronavirus infection, knowing the insufficient equipment in our hospitals, both in terms of testing and intensive care equipment, but especially having as an example the entire Sibiu community that is mobilizing extraordinarily, we decided to support the equipping of Sibiu County Hospital with the amount of 100,000 lei, which will be used as a priority for the purchase of 2 fully equipped beds for the ATI ward. This amount is part of our reserve for the pediatric surgery mission in March 2020, which unfortunately had to be postponed. We are confident that the sponsors and donors who have stood by us will help us replenish the budget when we reschedule the children’s cardiac surgeries. We also trust that our example and that of other organizations that have been involved in this project will be followed by other people in the community,” representatives of the Polisano Foundation wrote in a Facebook post.

Hospitals and medical teams need our help, all of us. This is the message from the initiators of the campaign to support the County Hospital.

“We would like to mention that we have heard about the possibility of allocating some funds for hospitals in the country from the government and we would be glad if the hospital in Sibiu could benefit from this support. But even if the new funds will come (soon), its needs will most likely exceed the allocated amounts and it will still need the help of civil society. As before, we will keep in constant contact with the representatives of the county hospital in order to be aware of the needs and to make sure that the money goes where it is most needed”, say the representatives of the Community Foundation.

The director of the Emergency Clinical County Hospital in Sibiu hopes to be able to buy the necessary equipment for coronavirus testing by the end of this week. High-performance mechanical ventilation machines, a lung extracorporeal oxygenation machine, vital function monitors with ATI mode and intensive care beds with special mattresses will also be bought.

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